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How do I get a list of all subclasses without instantiating first in Ruby

If I have 4 classes with the following hierarchy:

class MainClass < ActiveRecord::Base

class SubClassA < MainClass

class SubClassB < MainClass

class SubClassC < MainClass

How can I get a list of the subclasses of MainClass without going through and creating instances of each of the other classes?

In a fresh IRB session I can go in and say

irb(main)> MainClass.descendants
=> []

However if I go through and create instances of each subclass I'll see the following

irb(main)> SubClassA.new
=> #<SubClassA ...>
irb(main)> SubClassB.new
=> #<SubClassB ...>
irb(main)> SubClassC.new
=> #<SubClassC ...>
irb(main)> MainClass.descendants
=> [SubClassA(...), SubClassB(...), SubClassC(...)]

I'm basically looking for a way to programmaticly supply all subclasses so in the future when I want to add SubClassD, SubClassE, etc., I won't have to worry that each one is instantiated in the code before the user can see them.

like image 677
user1535152 Avatar asked Jan 15 '16 18:01


2 Answers

This is an artefact of development mode only loading classes when first referenced: those files haven't been read by the interpreter yet - as far as ruby is concerned the classes genuinely do not exist yet

A workaround is to put

require_dependency "subclass_a"
require_dependency "subclass_b"

At the bottom the file for main class (outside the class definition)

like image 62
Frederick Cheung Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 01:10

Frederick Cheung

There are several ways you can achieve this. Either by using a gem such as the descendants_tracker:

class MainClass < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend DescendantsTracker

class SubClassA < MainClass 


MainClass.descendants # => [SubClassA]

Or you could create a custom one in your parent class like this:

class  MainClass < ActiveRecord::Base
  def self.descendants
    ObjectSpace.each_object(Class).select { |klass| klass < self }

class SubClassA < MainClass 

class SubClassB  < MainClass 

puts MainClass.descendants 

#=> SubClassA

You can also check for levels of dependencies. If you want an array of the direct child of MainClass for example you could use the .subclasses class method

MainClass.subclasses  # => [SubClassA, SubClassB,...]

Now if you want more than one level depth of child classes use .descendants. You can find an example here

like image 35
Cyzanfar Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 01:10
