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How do you test for diagonal in n-queens?




I'm studying the n-queen backtracker. Can someone explain to me how other_row_pos checks for diagonals? I'm not sure why it works or how it works.

taken from wikibooks - http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Algorithm_Implementation/Miscellaneous/N-Queens:

bool isSafe(int queen_number, int row_position) {
    // Check each queen before this one
    for(int i=0; i<queen_number; i++) {
        // Get another queen's row_position
        int other_row_pos = position[i];
        // Now check if they're in the same row or diagonals
        if(other_row_pos == row_position || // Same row
           other_row_pos == row_position - (queen_number-i) || // Same diagonal
           other_row_pos == row_position + (queen_number-i))   // Same diagonal
            return false;
    return true;
like image 948
runners3431 Avatar asked Oct 22 '13 17:10


People also ask

Can two queens be on the same diagonal?

# No two queens can be on the same diagonal. # Solve the model. # Statistics. # By default, solve the 8x8 problem. // OR-Tools solution to the N-queens problem. // Instantiate the solver. cp_model. NewIntVar ( range ).

What is the diagonal constraint for Queens?

So the diagonal constraint is that the values of queens (i) + i must all be different, and likewise the values of queens (i) - i must all be different, for different i. The code above adds this constraint by applying the AllDifferent method to queens [j] + j and queens [j] - j , for each i.

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Data Structures & Algorithms Multiple Choice Questions on “N Queens Problem”. 1. In how many directions do queens attack each other? Clarification: Queens attack each other in three directions- vertical, horizontal and diagonal. 2. Placing n-queens so that no two queens attack each other is called?

Will the queens problem occupy a corner square?

However, constraint propagation then forces a queen into the second row of the third column, leaving no valid spots for the fourth queen: And so the solver must backtrack again, this time all the way back to the placement of the first queen. We have now shown that no solution to the queens problem will occupy a corner square.

1 Answers

Let delta_row = the difference in rows between the two queens, and delta_col = the difference in columns. The two queens will be on the same diagonal if delta_row == delta_col or delta_row == -delta_col.

With the variables you have:

delta_row = other_row_pos - row_position
delta_col = queen_number - i

So the queens are on the same diagonal if:

other_row_pos - row_position == queen_number - i ||
other_row_pos - row_position == -(queen_number - i)

If you add row_position to both sides of the equality, you get the condition in your code:

other_row_pos == row_position + (queen_number-i) ||
other_row_pos == row_position - (queen_number-i)
like image 96
interjay Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09
