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How do you refresh PreferenceActivity to show changes in the settings?

Based on the following code, can you tell me how to refresh the PreferenceActivity window to show changes in the settings immediately? For example: the user taps the master chime toggle checkbox to true (ticked), I would like the user to immediately see the other settings such as the ChimeOn15Past checkbox also be be true (ticked)

SharedPreferences.Editor prefEditor = clockSettings.edit(); // Allow the settings to be changed.  if (booleanMasterChimeToggle == true) {     prefEditor.putBoolean("ChimeOnTheHour", true);     prefEditor.putBoolean("ChimeOn15Past", true);     prefEditor.putBoolean("ChimeOn30Past", true);     prefEditor.putBoolean("ChimeOn45Past", true);      strNotifyMessage = "Full chiming has now been set.";  } else {     prefEditor.putBoolean("ChimeOnTheHour", false);     prefEditor.putBoolean("ChimeOn15Past", false);     prefEditor.putBoolean("ChimeOn30Past", false);     prefEditor.putBoolean("ChimeOn45Past", false);      strNotifyMessage = "Full chiming has now been disabled."; } 
like image 548
Emad-ud-deen Avatar asked Nov 03 '11 23:11


1 Answers

Instead of

finish(); startActivity(getIntent()); 

I prefer the following code :

setPreferenceScreen(null); addPreferencesFromResource(R.xml.preferences); 

This will reset the display as well but without the whole finish procedure and its consequences. Plus this code works well with PreferenceActivity and PreferenceFragment.

This is interesting if you would like to change dynamically the locale value for example. In this case, working with the manager is not enough because you want a full reload of titles and values.

EDIT: setPreferenceScreen is deprecated in PreferenceActivity (still working) but is not in PreferenceFragment

like image 153
Solostaran14 Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 16:10
