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Is it possible to make a checkbox/radio button uncheckable?



The program I am making has several views in which the user is trying to basically figure out a lot of boolean values. Sounds strange, but what I mean is that my device will connect to another device via bluetooth, and then read the status of that device. I basically display a checklist of the current status of that device. So depending on what that device is doing, different checkboxes are checked. Is there a way to make all of the checkboxes unselectable?

Even better, is there a way to hardcode this into the XML file?

like image 646
JuiCe Avatar asked Jun 26 '12 18:06


People also ask

How can I make a checkbox work like a radio button?

To make checkbox behave like radio buttons with JavaScript, we can listen to the body element's click listener. And in the listener, we uncheck all the checkboxes and the check off the one that matches the one that's clicked. to add the checkboxes.

How do you make a radio button Uncheckable?

To set a radio button to checked/unchecked, select the element and set its checked property to true or false , e.g. myRadio. checked = true . When set to true , the radio button becomes checked and all other radio buttons with the same name attribute become unchecked. Here is the HTML for the examples in this article.

Can we uncheck radio button?

It is not a mandatory field. Radio button helps in ensuring only one option is selected. However, it doesn't allow user to deselect the option.

Is a check box a radio button?

Checkboxes allow the user to choose items from a fixed number of alternatives, while radio buttons allow the user to choose exactly one item from a list of several predefined alternatives.

1 Answers

Have you considered using android:clickable for an xml attribute for your checkboxes?

From the documentation:

Defines whether this view reacts to click events.

If it cannot react to click events, then it effectively becomes uncheckable.

like image 179
nicholas.hauschild Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 01:10
