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How do you know a variable type in java? [duplicate]

People also ask

How do you check what type a variable is in Java?

We can check the type of a variable in Java by calling getClass(). getSimpleName() method via the variable. The below example illustrates the use of this function on non-primitive data types like String . The below example illustrates the use of this method on an array.

How do you know if a variable is double?

TryParse() methods. The best way is to read the code where you declared what it was. If you are trying to parse a string as a double, then Double. parseDouble will throw an exception (which you can catch) if the string can't be parsed.

What are the 3 variable types in Java?

There are three different types of variables a class can have in Java are local variables, instance variables, and class/static variables.

Can a variable have two types in Java?

4.1.There are two kinds of types in the Java programming language: primitive types (§4.2) and reference types (§4.3). There are, correspondingly, two kinds of data values that can be stored in variables, passed as arguments, returned by methods, and operated on: primitive values (§4.2) and reference values (§4.3).


I would like to expand on Martin's answer there...

His solution is rather nice, but it can be tweaked so any "variable type" can be printed like that.(It's actually Value Type, more on the topic). That said, "tweaked" may be a strong word for this. Regardless, it may be helpful.

Martins Solution:


However, If you want it to work with anything you can do this:

((Object) myVar).getClass().getName()
((Object) myInt).getClass().getSimpleName()

In this case, the primitive will simply be wrapped in a Wrapper. You will get the Object of the primitive in that case.

I myself used it like this:

private static String nameOf(Object o) {
    return o.getClass().getSimpleName();

Using Generics:

public static <T> String nameOf(T o) {
    return o.getClass().getSimpleName();

If you want the name, use Martin's method. If you want to know whether it's an instance of a certain class:

boolean b = a instanceof String

I learned from the Search Engine(My English is very bad , So code...) How to get variable's type? Up's :

String str = "test";
String type = str.getClass().getName();
value: type = java.lang.String

this method :


now example:

Object o = 1;

Use operator overloading feature of java

class Test {

    void printType(String x) {

    void printType(int x) {     

    // same goes on with boolean,double,float,object ...


I think we have multiple solutions here:

  • instance of could be a solution.

Why? In Java every class is inherited from the Object class itself. So if you have a variable and you would like to know its type. You can use

  • System.out.println(((Object)f).getClass().getName());


  • Integer.class.isInstance(1985); // gives true


  • isPrimitive()

    public static void main(String[] args) {
     ClassDemo classOne = new ClassDemo();
     Class classOneClass = classOne();
     int i = 5;
     Class iClass = int.class;
     // checking for primitive type
     boolean retval1 = classOneClass.isPrimitive();
     System.out.println("classOneClass is primitive type? = " + retval1);
     // checking for primitive type?
     boolean retval2 = iClass.isPrimitive();
     System.out.println("iClass is primitive type? = " + retval2);

This going to give us:

  1. FALSE
  2. TRUE

Find out more here: How to determine the primitive type of a primitive variable?



I agree with what Joachim Sauer said, not possible to know (the variable type! not value type!) unless your variable is a class attribute (and you would have to retrieve class fields, get the right field by name...)

Actually for me it's totally impossible that any a.xxx().yyy() method give you the right answer since the answer would be different on the exact same object, according to the context in which you call this method...

As teehoo said, if you know at compile a defined list of types to test you can use instanceof but you will also get subclasses returning true...

One possible solution would also be to inspire yourself from the implementation of java.lang.reflect.Field and create your own Field class, and then declare all your local variables as this custom Field implementation... but you'd better find another solution, i really wonder why you need the variable type, and not just the value type?