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how to get the one entry from hashmap without iterating

People also ask

How do you get the first map entry?

To get the first element of a Map , use destructuring assignment, e.g. const [firstKey] = map. keys() and const [firstValue] = map. values() . The keys() and values() methods return an iterator object that contains the Map's keys and values.

How do I find a specific key in a HashMap?

HashMap containsKey() Method in Java HashMap. containsKey() method is used to check whether a particular key is being mapped into the HashMap or not. It takes the key element as a parameter and returns True if that element is mapped in the map.

How do I find the value of a map without a key?

Check out the Map. entrySet() and Map. values() methods; those provide access to all values without having to provide a key.

Can we remove elements from HashMap while iterating?

While iterating, check for the key at that iteration to be equal to the key specified. The entry key of the Map can be obtained with the help of entry. getKey() method. If the key matches, remove the entry of that iteration from the HashMap using remove() method.

Maps are not ordered, so there is no such thing as 'the first entry', and that's also why there is no get-by-index method on Map (or HashMap).

You could do this:

Map<String, String> map = ...;  // wherever you get this from

// Get the first entry that the iterator returns
Map.Entry<String, String> entry = map.entrySet().iterator().next();

(Note: Checking for an empty map omitted).

Your code doesn't get all the entries in the map, it returns immediately (and breaks out of the loop) with the first entry that's found.

To print the key and value of this first element:

System.out.println("Key: "+entry.getKey()+", Value: "+entry.getValue());

Note: Calling iterator() does not mean that you are iterating over the whole map.

The answer by Jesper is good. An other solution is to use TreeMap (you asked for other data structures).

TreeMap<String, String> myMap = new TreeMap<String, String>();
String first = myMap.firstEntry().getValue();
String firstOther = myMap.get(myMap.firstKey());

TreeMap has an overhead so HashMap is faster, but just as an example of an alternative solution.

I guess the iterator may be the simplest solution.

return hashMapObject.entrySet().iterator().next();

Another solution (not pretty):

return new ArrayList(hashMapObject.entrySet()).get(0);

Or yet (not better):

return hashMapObject.entrySet().toArray()[0];

Get values, convert it to an array, get array's first element:



Why do you want to avoid calling entrySet() it does not generally create an entirely new object with its own context, but instead just provide a facade object. Simply speaking entrySet() is a pretty cheap operation.