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Breakpoints are crossed out, how can I make them valid?

There is a menu entry you have discovered for yourself that toggles the skipping of all breakpoints. There is also an icon for this in the "Breakpoints" View, and there may be a hot-key defined as well, all of which you may have triggered by accident.

Take a look at the Run -> Skip All Breakpoints.

Screenshot of the 'skip all breakpoints' in eclipse.

enter image description here

When you click on 'skip all breakpoints'(which is selected), everything will become normal

The shortcut key for placing a breakpoint in Eclipse (Ctrl + Shift + B) is quite similar to the one that skips all the breakpoint (Ctrl + Alt + B). Hence, if a "skip all breakpoints" condition is to be cancelled, it can be achieved by pressing "Ctrl + Alt + B" again.

You should already be in debug perspective. If not just go to debug perspective. You should see disable all breakpoints button. -

enter image description here

Click on it and it should allow all breakpoints.

enter image description here