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IntelliJ IDEA jump from interface to implementing class in Java

People also ask

How do I navigate to implementation class in IntelliJ?

To navigate to the implementation, press Ctrl+Alt+B .

How do you jump to define in IntelliJ?

Alternatively, with the Ctrl key pressed, hover the cursor over any symbol. IntelliJ IDEA displays the symbol as a link and shows its definition in a tooltip. Click this link to jump to the definition of the symbol.

How do I jump back in IntelliJ?

Use ⌘[ (macOS), Ctrl+Alt+Left Arrow (Windows/Linux) to navigate backwards and ⌘] (macOS), Ctrl+Alt+Right Arrow (Windows/Linux), to navigate forwards.

How do I go back to a call method in IntelliJ?

To navigate to the next or previous important callOn the menu bar, choose View | Navigate | Next Important Call or View | Navigate | Previous Important Call. Press Ctrl+Shift+Right or Ctrl+Shift+Left .

Yes, On mac, it is Command + Option + B. You will need to move your cursor to the interface name before invoking the shortcut. I'm not sure what's the shortcut in PC, for if you right click the interface name -> "Go To" -> "Implementations"... the shortcut is listed there.

In Windows, it is CTRL + ALT + B: JetBrains navigation documentation.

In addition to Ctrl + Alt + B mentioned above, you can also use the mouse: Ctrl + Alt + LeftMouseButton to jump directly to implementations.

If you did Command (Mac) / Ctrl (Windows) + Mouse click on method you want to navigate to You will be navigated to interface (Declaration)

but If you did Alt + Ctrl + Mouse click on method you want to navigate to You will be navigated to class (Implementation)    you can use also Alt + Ctrl + b if you dont want leave keybourd

On OSX you can jump to the implementation with your mouse by using Alt + Command + Mouse. (comparable with Ctrl + mouse in Eclipse)