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How do you import a release definition in Azure Devops (VSTS)?

I'm trying to copy a release definition from one Azure Devops (VSTS) project to another. In the source project I'm able to export the release definition as a json file.

export release definition

But I'm not able to find a way to import this into the target project. I only get options to create new definitions.

create release definition

like image 663
reggaemahn Avatar asked May 09 '18 04:05


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How do I import a release pipeline in Azure DevOps?

To import the pipeline, navigate to the Pipelines page in your project. Choose ..., select Import a pipeline, and select the corresponding import pipeline option. You will now be prompted to select a JSON file to import its contents. Browse to and select the JSON file that you previously exported.

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Go to the Pipelines tab, and then select Releases. Select the action to create a New pipeline. If a release pipeline is already created, select the plus sign ( + ) and then select Create a release pipeline. Select the action to start with an Empty job.

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You define and manage these variables in the Variables tab in a release pipeline. In the Pipeline Variables page, open the Scope drop-down list and select "Release". By default, when you add a variable, it is set to Release scope. Share values across all of the tasks within one specific stage by using stage variables.

1 Answers

If you don't see the import option, you can try creating a first empty pipeline

enter image description here

Once you have it, it enables the import option

enter image description here

like image 61
Gabriel Castillo Prada Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 02:10

Gabriel Castillo Prada