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How do you get the IP address from a request in ASP.NET?

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Can you get IP address from http request?

You can use RemoteAddr to get the remote client's IP address and port (the format is "IP:port"), which is the address of the original requestor or the last proxy (for example a load balancer which lives in front of your server). This is all you have for sure. This is because internally http. Header.

How do I get client IP address in asp net core?

Client IP address can be retrieved via HttpContext. Connection object. This properties exist in both Razor page model and ASP.NET MVC controller. Property RemoteIpAddress is the client IP address.

What is the :: 1 address?

::1 is the loopback address in IPv6. Think of it as the IPv6 version of 127.0. 0.1 .

One method is to use Request object:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    lbl1.Text = Request.UserHostAddress;



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