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How do you figure out the MEDIAN of a column taking into account filters?

I've recently discovered that you can use SUBTOTAL for various functions which allow you to sum up or find totals of a column, even whilst there are filters being applied to it.

However, the list of functions SUBTOTAL has does not include MEDIAN.

Is it possible to find the median of a column of numbers taking into that some rows have filtered out?

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Diskdrive Avatar asked Aug 28 '12 14:08


People also ask

How do you find the median of a filtered data?

Here is a simple formula can do you a favor on calculating median value. Select a cell which you will place the median value, type this formula =AGGREGATE(12,1,A2:A17) into it, then press Enter key.

How do you calculate the average of a filtered column in Excel?

Supposing you have filtered your table as following screen shots shown, you can get its average as follows: In a blank cell enter the formula =SUBTOTAL(1,C12:C24) (C12:C24 is the range with all filtered data in Amount column) and press the Enter key.

1 Answers

Updated to pick up comments from lori_m below

1. Original answer - all xl versions
Courtesy of Aladin Akyurek from this solution If your data was in A1:A10, array enter this formula with shiftctrlenter =MEDIAN(IF(SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET(A1:A10,ROW(A1:A10)-MIN(ROW(A1:A10)),,1)),A1:A10))

2. Updated answer (non-array) - all xl versions =MEDIAN(IF(SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET(A1:A10,MMULT(ROW(A1:A10),1)-MIN(MMULT(ROW(A1:A10),1)),,1)),A1:A10))

3. Excel 2010 & Excel 2013

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brettdj Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 01:09
