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How to use Python to read one column from Excel file?




I want to read the data in one column in excel, here is my code:

import xlrd

file_location = "location/file_name.xlsx"

workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(file_location)

sheet = workbook.sheet_by_name('sheet')

x = []

for cell in sheet.col[9]:

    if isinstance(cell, float):



It is wrong because there is no method in sheet called col[col.num], but I just want to extract the data from column 8 (column H), what can I do?

like image 298
Sirui Li Avatar asked Mar 26 '16 12:03

Sirui Li

People also ask

How do I read a column in Excel using pandas?

To tell pandas to start reading an Excel sheet from a specific row, use the argument header = 0-indexed row where to start reading. By default, header=0, and the first such row is used to give the names of the data frame columns. To skip rows at the end of a sheet, use skipfooter = number of rows to skip.

3 Answers

You can get the values of the 8th column like this:

for rownum in range(sheet.nrows):
    x.append(sheet.cell(rownum, 7))
like image 76
Roee Aharoni Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 00:10

Roee Aharoni

If you're not locked with xlrd I would probably have used pandas instead which is pretty good when working with data from anywhere:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.ExcelFile('location/test.xlsx').parse('Sheet1') #you could add index_col=0 if there's an index

You could then just write the new extracted columns to a new excel file with pandas df.to_excel()

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Deusdeorum Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 00:10


By far the easiest way to get all the values in a column using xlrd is the col_values() worksheet method:

x = []
for value in sheet.col_values(8):
    if isinstance(value, float):

(Note that if you want column H, you should use 7, because the indices start at 0.)

Incidentally, you can use col() to get the cell objects in a column:

x = []
for cell in sheet.col(8):
    if isinstance(cell.value, float):

The best place to find this stuff is the official tutorial (which serves as a decent reference for xlrd, xlwt, and xlutils). You could of course also check out the documentation and the source code.

like image 30
John Y Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 01:10

John Y