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How do you do an incremental search across multiple files in VIM?



Vim already does incremental search within the currently open file but can you do an incremental search across multiple files?

like image 320
Alex Avatar asked Jan 18 '11 15:01


People also ask

How do we use grep to search for a pattern in multiple files Vim?

From the root of your project, you can search through all your files recursively from the current directory like so: grep -R '. ad' . The -R flag is telling grep to search recursively.

How do I iterate through a search in Vim?

In normal mode you can search forwards by pressing / (or <kDivide> ) then typing your search pattern. Press Esc to cancel or press Enter to perform the search. Then press n to search forwards for the next occurrence, or N to search backwards. Type ggn to jump to the first match, or GN to jump to the last.

What is Incsearch Vim?

incsearch. vim is a Vim plugin which improve incremental searching. It provides functionality to highlight all matches while searching, to move cursor to next/previous match while searching and so on.

1 Answers

AFAIK this is not possible. However you can start to type a word that is in an opened buffer and hit ctrl-xctrl-n to start searching for such a word in all opened buffers.

like image 89
Benoit Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 23:09
