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How do you change the duration of a flutter animation on didUpdateWidget?

I want to have a timer updated on demand but I'm not sure how to go about doing this. I want to check that certain conditions are met when the widget is updated before changing the duration. So far, I've tried playing around with the "didUpdateWidget" function but I get an single ticker error. When I change the mixin to TickerProviderStateMixin, the duration doesn't update.

class _ProgressBarState extends State<ProgressBar>
    with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {

  int _duration;
  int _position;
  bool _isPaused;

  Animation animation;
  AnimationController animationController;

  void initState() {
    _duration = widget.duration;
    _position = widget.position;
    _isPaused = widget.isPaused;
    animationController = AnimationController(
    duration: Duration(milliseconds: _duration), vsync: this);
    animation = Tween(begin: 0.0, end: 1.0).animate(animationController);

    void didUpdateWidget(ProgressBar oldWidget) {
      // TODO: implement didUpdateWidget
      setState(() {
        _duration = widget.duration;
        _position = widget.position;
        _isPaused = widget.isPaused;


  void updateController(ProgressBar oldWidget){
    if(oldWidget.duration != _duration){
      animationController = AnimationController(duration: Duration(milliseconds: _duration), vsync:this);
    } else{
        animationController.forward(from: _position/_duration);
like image 282
Johnny Boy Avatar asked Nov 05 '18 20:11

Johnny Boy

People also ask

How do I change the animation duration in Flutter?

_duration){ animationController. dispose(); animationController = AnimationController(duration: Duration(milliseconds: _duration), vsync:this); } if(_isPaused){ animationController. stop(); } else{ animationController. forward(from: _position/_duration); } } //... }

What is vsync in animation Flutter?

What is vsync ? Vsync basically keeps the track of screen, so that Flutter does not renders the animation when the screen is not being displayed.

What makes animation controller different from timer in Flutter?

Timer is unrelated to Flutter, and is just a timer like you'd fine in any other language. On the other hand, AnimationController (and Ticker , its equivalent of Timer ) is Flutter specific. The difference with a Timer is that, by using AnimationController , the "ticker" can be muted, slowed, or mocked.

How do you pause an animation on Flutter?

All you need is Controller. reset() to stop the animation and Controller. repeat() to start it. However if you need to start the animation just once, use Controller.

1 Answers

I realized that after carefully looking at the documents, you could just change the properties of AnimationController directly. haha...

animationController.duration = Duration(milliseconds: _duration)
like image 178
Johnny Boy Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10

Johnny Boy