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How do you change a repository description on GitHub?



People also ask

How do I create a GitHub repository description?

Repo descriptions should be clear, concise, and descriptive. Descriptions are listed under each repository title on an organization's GitHub page. Anyone who scans the GitHub page should be able to determine what a repo does, just by looking at the description.

How do I edit an existing project repository?

You can use git remote add betterfoo better_foo_repo_address for adding another repo address in your current project. After this you can fetch betterfoo repo by git fetch betterfoo , and switch project between master and betterfoo by git checkout master or git checkout betterfoo .

They changed the looks slightly, the "Edit" button is seen when on the repositories main page, which is the "Code" tab. Here is a screencast/animated-screenshot:

enter image description here

Click on the Edit that comes when you hover your mouse over the description and project url section

enter image description here

As of 2020, if you chose the new design in feature preview, meta-information about the repository can be changed by clicking on a cog icon in the right-hand side menu's "About" section:

2020 design: edit cog

Upon doing so, a popup will appear where the description, website, topics, and homepage settings can be configured:

2020 design: edit popup

When you hover over the existing description, an Edit button will appear at the far left.

enter image description here

Just in case anyone else has a similar issue as me...

You cannot edit the description until one or more files are committed and pushed. In my specific case, I created the repository from IntelliJ IDEA and accidentally filled the description with text I had intended for the first commit. However, I didn't actually commit or push any files.

I went to the repositories page on the GitHub website, where I could see the repository and its description from the repositories page. However, when viewing the individual repository page, the description would not appear and suggestions for setting up the project were the only content displayed. There is no clear indication that you cannot edit the description until a file is uploaded, but once you have done so, the description is clearly displayed and with it a link to edit.