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How do you keep track of your comments in issues on GitHub?



People also ask

How do I see my comments on GitHub?

You can view all the issues on Github you have commented on by going to https://github.com/notifications/subscriptions and selecting Reason as Comment . This will show all the issues that you've commented on.

What is GitHub issue tracker?

GitHub Issues is a tracking tool that is integrated with your GitHub repository. Use GitHub Issues to focus on important tasks and keep plans up to date simultaneously. ← Back to Develop practices and tools. Track ideas, work, and bugs without leaving GitHub.

How do you reference a comment on GitHub?

You can now quote comments in issues and pull requests by choosing Quote reply from the comment's options menu. This will paste quoted contents of the comment into the text field for the new comment. If part of a comment is selected, only that selection will be quoted.

Search for commenter:username in the main Github search box.

For example commenter:gavinandresen

To see recent activity, select Recently updated from Sort dropdown

You can also narrow the search: is:issue commenter:gavinandresen

enter image description here

I have also been very frustrated when I could not find an issue that I have commented on a while ago. I even did not remember the project it was in. I knew only the problem I was referring to.

Then, I went to the Notification settings on Github and saw there is an Include your own updates option that is unchecked by default.

Include your own updates

Once you check it, Github will send you an e-mail notification about every comment or PR you make. They you probably want to add an appropriate label and filter for emails so Github messages do not clutter an inbox.

My life has changed since then. Now, every time I want to find something I have written on Github, I just search for it in the e-mail notifications.

You can view all the issues on Github you have commented on by going to https://github.com/notifications/subscriptions and selecting Reason as Comment.

This will show all the issues that you've commented on.

You can also filter the issues by selecting other reason such as Assign, Author, Manual, Mention, etc. but you can select only one reason at a time. Also, you can filter the issues by repository by selecting the concerned repository from dropdown after clicking Repository

This might be a little late, but there's also another way to find what issues/PRs you have participated in. This method also brings in a lot more things you might be interested in too!

When you are on the website main page, on github.com, use the keyboard shortcuts as described here to open your pull requests or issues. The shortcut for these is in particular [g, i] for issues and [g, p] for pull requests (I remember g by go, but whatever works for you.)

After you go to the page directed by these shortcuts you are greeted by an entire screen of goodies you can use! The search bar can be edited and the buttons can be used to make your experience fast!


Search All GitHub using the search term is:issue author:@me

enter image description here

You can also check the following links.

For all your subscriptions https://github.com/notifications/subscriptions

For all your issues https://github.com/issues

For all your pull requests https://github.com/pulls

In case someone is interested to know how to find these links, go to github's resi api documentation. The URL's are not explicitly described there. However, look for the page names bellow REFERENCE.

enter image description here

If you lowercase the relevant word (for example Issues become issues, Pulls become pulls) and put that after https://github.com/, you most probably will find what you are looking for.