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How do I reference a specific issue comment on github?



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How do I reference another issue in GitHub?

You can reference issues between repositories by mentioning user/repository#number in an issue. Once we see something like that — say, github/enterprise#59 — we'll make sure to update issue #59 in github's enterprise repository and let you know where it was referenced from.

How do you mention an issue in a pull request?

Under your repository name, click Pull requests. In the list of pull requests, click the pull request that you'd like to link to an issue. In the right sidebar, in the "Development" section click . Click the issue you want to link to the pull request.

How do you reference a commit in GitHub issues?

To reference a commit, simply write its SHA-hash, and it'll automatically get turned into a link.

How do you address a pull request comment?

On the pull request, click Files changed. Hover over the line of code where you'd like to add a comment, and click the blue comment icon. To add a comment on multiple lines, click and drag to select the range of lines, then click the blue comment icon.

You can click on the date in the header of the comment to get a URL to the comment

enter image description here

For example, for issue https://github.com/centic9/jgit-cookbook/issues/5 one of the comments has the following link: https://github.com/centic9/jgit-cookbook/issues/5#issuecomment-51084491.

Simple method:

Every comment in github has header like below

[Commenter Name] commented on [x days ago]

Right click the date information i.e. [x days ago] and copy the link

Since August 2018, there is a more intuitive (and likely more reliable) way.
See "Copy the URL of a comment":

Previously, in order to grab a permalink to a comment within an issue or pull request, you’d need to copy the URL from a comment’s timestamp.

Now you can click Copy URL within the comment’s options menu to quickly copy the URL to your clipboard.

Copy comment URL.

This works on commits in a Pull Request too:
https://github.com/moby/moby/pull/37558#discussion_r211356672 refers to:

Copy on PR comment

And since February 2019, that works on mobile too!

Issue and pull request comment permalinks can now be copied on mobile devices, via the comment action menu.