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How do we define a angularjs directive in a requirejs module?

I am not exactly sure how to request and define a directive using a requirejs module.

this is my code for the file containing the directive directives/locationBtn.js

    define(['Zf2NVIApp'], function (Zf2NVIApp) {
    'use strict';

    Zf2NVIApp.directive('locationBtn', function() {
        return {
            template: '<div></div>',
            restrict: 'E',
            link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
                console.log("we are in the location btn module");
                element.text('this is the locationBtn directive');


this is the code to my main.js file

shim: {

paths: {
    angular: 'vendor/angular',
    jquery: 'vendor/jquery.min',
    locationBtn: 'directives/locationBtn'

require(['Zf2NVIApp', 'locationBtn'], function (app, locationBtn) {
// use app here
like image 677
Subtubes Avatar asked Feb 26 '13 04:02


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^require checks elements above the current one in addition to the current element. So you have to use the two directives together for this to work. Otherwise, just define a controller with app. controller and then use it in both directives.

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1 Answers

You're close. Given that your 'Zf2NVIApp.js' file contains

define(['angular'], function(angular){
  return angular.module('Zf2NVIApp', []);

than you only need to return the value in your directive AMD module definition and it should work:

define(['Zf2NVIApp'], function (Zf2NVIApp) {
  'use strict';

  Zf2NVIApp.directive('locationBtn', function() {
    return {
      template: '<div></div>',
      restrict: 'E',
      link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
        console.log("we are in the location btn module");
        element.text('this is the locationBtn directive');

  // You need to return something from this factory function
  return Zf2NVIApp;

like image 163
Stewie Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 02:11
