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Angular JS ng-repeat consumes more browser memory

I have the following code

   <tr ng-repeat="user in users">
    <td><div ng-repeat="item in items">{{item.rating}}</div></td>

users is an array of user objects with only id and name. number of user objects in array - 150

items is an array of item objects with only id and rating. number of item objects in array - 150

When i render this in browser, it takes about 250MB of heap memory when i tried profiling in my chrome - v23.0.1271.95.

I am using AngularJS v1.0.3.

Is there an issue with angular or am i doing anything wrong here?

Here is the JS fiddle


like image 730
Chubby Boy Avatar asked Dec 28 '12 05:12

Chubby Boy

People also ask

What can I use instead of NG-repeat?

You can consider using transclusion inside a custom directive, to achieve the behavior you are looking for without using ng-repeat.

Why we use NG-repeat in angular?

If you have an collection of objects, the ng-repeat directive is perfect for making a HTML table, displaying one table row for each object, and one table data for each object property.

What is track by in NG-repeat?

When using Ng-repeat with the 'track by $index' feature, it allows you, as you may have guessed, to keep track of the indexes of the array that are being iterated over. This is extremely useful when you have an array of objects and you need to access properties within those objects.

Where is the last element in NG-repeat?

$first and $last It's common when using ng-repeat to add specific behavior to the first or last element of the loop, e.g. special styling around the edges. Instead, ng-repeat already supplies you with two ready boolean properties. $first is true for the first element, and $last is true for the last element.

1 Answers

Well it's not the ng-repeat per se. I think it's the fact that you are adding bindings with the {{item.rating}}.

All those bindings register watches on the scope so:

  • 150 * 2 = 300(for the 2 user infos)
  • 150 * 150 = 22500(for the rating info)
  • Total of 22800 watch functions + 22800 dom elements.

That would push the memory to a conceivable value of 250MB

From Databinding in angularjs

You can't really show more than about 2000 pieces of information to a human on a single page. Anything more than that is really bad UI, and humans can't process this anyway.

like image 174
Liviu T. Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09

Liviu T.