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How do I use result of SELECT in one stored procedure in another srored procedure?

I have a stored procedure that computes several values and SELECTs them:

   DECLARE @value1 int;
   DECLARE @value2 int;
   SET @value1 =...
   IF( @value1 IS NULL ) 
       RETURN 0;
   SET @value2 =...
   SELECT @value1 AS Value1, @value2 AS Value2;

I know I can turn that into a table function but I'd rather not do that because of RETURN in the middle - sometimes there's just nothing to return.

I want to call that stored procedure from another stored procedure and use the values retrieved by SELECT in the other procedure. How do I do that?

like image 758
sharptooth Avatar asked Sep 13 '12 08:09


People also ask

Can we call a stored procedure from another stored procedure?

In releases earlier than SQL Server 2000, you can call one stored procedure from another and return a set of records by creating a temporary table into which the called stored procedure (B) can insert its results or by exploring the use of CURSOR variables.

Can we use SELECT statement in stored procedure?

We can not directly use stored procedures in a SELECT statement.

1 Answers

You can create a temptable and insert both values in there.

CREATE TABLE #Temp (value1 int, value2 int)

INSERT INTO #Temp (value1, value2)
EXEC [dbo].[MyProc]

If Value1 is NULL there will be no record in #Temp, and in this case you don't need the return 0.

But if it is not your goal, and you need return 0, then you should use the @value1 and @value2 as output parameters.

like image 54
András Ottó Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 02:10

András Ottó