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How do I use for loops with react? [duplicate]

I am very new to react and all I really want is a simple for loop that creates menuitem elements for each user in my array with the title of it being their firstname. So this is how I would write it, but I have no clue of how to do this in react. I think it should be with a map maybe but I cant seem to get it to work either hopefully anyone out here can help me.

for (var i = 0; i < Users.length; i++) {   <MenuItem eventKey=[i]>User.firstname[i]</MenuItem> } 
like image 945
novafluff Avatar asked Oct 24 '17 10:10


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2 Answers

The render method of your component, or your stateless component function, returns the elements to be rendered.

If you want to use a loop, that's fine:

render() {     let menuItems = [];     for (var i = 0; i < Users.length; i++) {         menuItems.push(<MenuItem eventKey=[i]>User.firstname[i]</MenuItem>);     }     return <div>{menuItems}</div>; } 

More common would be to see a more functional style, such as using a map to return the array of elements:

render() {     return <div>     {         Users.map((user, i) =>             <MenuItem eventKey=[i]>User.firstname[i]</MenuItem>)     }     </div>; } 

Note that in either case, you are missing the key property from each element of your array, so you will see warnings. Each element in an array should have a unique key, preferably some form of ID rather than just the array index.

like image 99
Tom Fenech Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 04:10

Tom Fenech

With map you can do:

Users.map((user, index) => (   <MenuItem eventKey={index}>user.firstname</MenuItem> )); 
like image 42
RMontes13 Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 04:10
