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How to build a responsive website with ReactJs [closed]

I am a bit confused. Until now I was using bootstrap or jquery mobile to build my application both base on jQuery. I heard a lot about ReactJs and I would like to use it for my next application. I am searching for something like bootstrap but purely written with ReactJs and ready to use. But until now I didn't found anything really convenient. First I was thinking to use MaterializeCss but I quickly realize that it was base as well on jQuery. There is material-ui purely written with ReactJs but there is no CDN and it oblige me to use third tool to build your app javascript files. Finally I found muicss but this one seem to be in a very early stage.

So till now I didn't found the right lib to build my app with ReactJs. Do you have any suggestion?

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Alexandre Avatar asked Sep 23 '15 14:09


People also ask

How do I make my React website responsive?

Getting started with react-responsive First, begin by creating a new React project with no dependencies. We'll perform an npm install of the react-responsive package with npm i -S react-responsive . Just so you know, react-responsive anticipates different use cases, so we can use it with Hooks or with components.

Is React good for responsive?

If you know responsive design and you use React, I definitely recommend using react-responsive. React-responsive allows you to make media-query components in React. This can be super useful when you want to render or remove specific elements in DOM depending on the screen size.

Is React mobile friendly?

Tricks to keep your React site Mobile Friendly. React provides to your Frontend a Simple, Stateless & Declarative Component architecture that keeps your app easy to understand and extend as it grows from 20 to 20,000+ lines of code.

1 Answers

It all comes down to CSS. Regardless of whether you are using vanilla CSS, SCSS, LESS, or CSS-in-JS, you're wanting to target your components with CSS selectors that allow you to adapt to resolution changes.

Here's a basic example:

// ./foo.js import React from "react"; import "./styles.css";  // Either as a Class export default class FooClass extends React.Component {   render() {     return <div className="foo">Foo</div>;   } }  // Or as a function export default FooFunction = (props) => <div className="foo">Foo</div>;  

And in your styles.css:

.foo {   background-color: red;   width: 100%;   margin: 0 auto;    /* Small Devices, Tablets */   @media only screen and (min-width : 768px) {     width: 75%;     background-color: green;   }    /* Medium Devices, Desktops */   @media only screen and (min-width : 992px) {     width: 50%;     background-color: pink;   } } 

The styles above are applied in a mobile-first approach, meaning that the default class declaration is provided with how the element will look on the smallest screen targeted. Those mobile styles will be overridden by the subsequent media queries. Over the years, these "inline" media queries directly under the CSS class have become my favorite way to organize my responsive styles.

Here are some responsive design resources:


A comprehensive list of Media Queries

like image 195
robabby Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 05:10
