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Tom Fenech

Tom Fenech has asked 5 questions and find answers to 183 problems.


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Co-founder and Front-end Lead Full-stack/DevOps/doer of things at Nearby Computing. Continuing to work with reactjs and typescript, now in a microservices environment. Recent convert to go, which we use for our graphql API Gateway and concourse, which we use for CI.

Previously working at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center somewhere between front-end engineer and data scientist, creating interactive data visualisations using d3 with reactjs and typescript.

Before that I worked as a full stack web developer for Bluewire Technologies. Working with c# on the server and a mixture of typescript and javascript on the client. Using a mixture of client-side frameworks, including reactjs and knockout. Also doing some separate work with wordpress, using my knowledge of php acquired through designing and maintaining a few websites in my free time.

Before that I was at the University of Bristol, where I was studying for a PhD in Physics. In my research I worked with c++/opencl to perform GPU simulations of nematic liquid crystals, using awk and perl to process my simulation data, gnuplot to make graphs and python to create 3D visualisations with paraview.

As a Slackware Linux user I ain't afraid of no shell. I'm most familiar with bash, which is one of the tags I tend to answer most questions on here.