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How do I update a single value in a json document using jq?




Appologies if I've overlooked something very obvious; I've just found jq and am trying to use it to update one JSON value without affecting the surrounding data.

I'd like to pipe a curl result into jq, update a value, and pipe the updated JSON to a curl -X PUT. Something like

curl http://example.com/shipping.json | jq '.' field: value | curl -X PUT http://example.com/shipping.json

So far I've hacked it together using sed, but after looking at a few examples of the |= operator in jq I'm sure that I don't need these.

Here's a JSON sample--how would I use jq to set "local": false, while preserving the rest of the JSON?

  "shipping": {
    "local": true,
    "us": true,
    "us_rate": {
      "amount": "0.00",
      "currency": "USD",
      "symbol": "$"
like image 427
STW Avatar asked Jun 24 '15 18:06


People also ask

Can jq edit JSON?

jq is equally useful for updating existing JSON data.

What is jq in JSON?

jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor. If you are a command line addict, you will like the official description. jq is like sed for JSON data – you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text.

3 Answers

You set values of an object using the = operator. |= on the other hand is used to update a value. It's a subtle but important difference. The context of the filters changes.

Since you are setting a property to a constant value, use the = operator.

.shipping.local = false

Just note that when setting a value to a property, it doesn't necessarily have to exist. You can add new values easily this way.

.shipping.local = false | .shipping.canada = false | .shipping.mexico = true
like image 71
Jeff Mercado Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10

Jeff Mercado

Update a value (sets .foo.bar to "new value"):

jq '.foo.bar = "new value"' file.json

Update a value using a variable (sets .foo.bar to "hello"):

variable="hello"; jq --arg variable "$variable" '.foo.bar = $variable' file.json
like image 29
Paul Chris Jones Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10

Paul Chris Jones

a similar function to the operator |= is map. map will be suitable to avoid the requirement of a previous filter for the array...

imagine that your data is an array (very common for this example)

    "shipping": {
      "local": true,
      "us": true,
      "us_rate": {
        "amount": "1.00",
        "currency": "USD",
        "symbol": "$"
    "shipping": {
      "local": true,
      "us": true,
      "us_rate": {
        "amount": "1.00",
        "currency": "USD",
        "symbol": "$"

hence it is necessary to consider the array in the code as:

http://example.com/shipping.json | jq '.[] | .shipping.local = "new place"' | curl -X PUT http://example.com/shipping.json

or to use the map function that is crafted to work in every array element as

http://example.com/shipping.json | jq 'map(.shipping.local = "new place")' | curl -X PUT http://example.com/shipping.json


For the sake of those that are learning, you also did some mistakes in the jq usage, just consider that it does "read" the 1st parameter as the program, hence all the desired commands shall be included in the very first string after calling the program.

like image 23
Thiago Conrado Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10

Thiago Conrado