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How to convert JSON to a Ruby hash





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How to convert JSON to hash in Ruby?

Custom objects need to_s defined for the class, and inside it convert the object to a Hash then use to_json on it. Show activity on this post. Assuming you have a JSON hash hanging around somewhere, to automatically convert it into something like WarHog's version, wrap your JSON hash contents in %q{hsh} tags.

How do you turn JSON into a Ruby object?

The most simplest way to convert a json into a Ruby object is using JSON. parse and OpenStruct class. If there are more subsequence keys after the response , the object. response will returns another instance of the OpenStruct class holding the subsequence methods as those subsequence keys.

What is Ruby JSON?

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format. Many web applications use it to send and receive data. In Ruby you can simply work with JSON. At first you have to require 'json' , then you can parse a JSON string via the JSON.

What about the following snippet?

require 'json'
value = '{"val":"test","val1":"test1","val2":"test2"}'
puts JSON.parse(value) # => {"val"=>"test","val1"=>"test1","val2"=>"test2"}

You could also use Rails' with_indifferent_access method so you could access the body with either symbols or strings.

value = '{"val":"test","val1":"test1","val2":"test2"}'
json = JSON.parse(value).with_indifferent_access


json[:val] #=> "test"

json["val"] #=> "test"

I'm surprised nobody pointed out JSON's [] method, which makes it very easy and transparent to decode and encode from/to JSON.

If object is string-like, parse the string and return the parsed result as a Ruby data structure. Otherwise generate a JSON text from the Ruby data structure object and return it.

Consider this:

require 'json'

hash = {"val":"test","val1":"test1","val2":"test2"} # => {:val=>"test", :val1=>"test1", :val2=>"test2"}
str = JSON[hash] # => "{\"val\":\"test\",\"val1\":\"test1\",\"val2\":\"test2\"}"

str now contains the JSON encoded hash.

It's easy to reverse it using:

JSON[str] # => {"val"=>"test", "val1"=>"test1", "val2"=>"test2"}

Custom objects need to_s defined for the class, and inside it convert the object to a Hash then use to_json on it.

Assuming you have a JSON hash hanging around somewhere, to automatically convert it into something like WarHog's version, wrap your JSON hash contents in %q{hsh} tags.

This seems to automatically add all the necessary escaped text like in WarHog's answer.

Have you tried: http://flori.github.com/json/?

Failing that, you could just parse it out? If it's only arrays you're interested in, something to split the above out will be quite simple.