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How do I undo "Scope to this" in Visual Studio 2012?

In the Solution Explorer, I clicked on "Scope to this" to display only a part of the solution. Now I can't find how to get back to normal view.

Closing/Reopening Solution Explorer won't work; I searched every menu item, and "New Solution Explorer View" didn't work either; I found nothing on Google.

I must be missing something obvious... There has to be an easy way to undo "Scope to this", right?

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Eldritch Conundrum Avatar asked Mar 20 '13 08:03

Eldritch Conundrum

People also ask

How do I change the scope in Visual Studio?

In solution you can select particular project/folder/file and right click and click on “Scope to this” Menu. It will scope your solution explorer to that particular item. Now once you click on “Scope to this” It will scope your solution explorer to that particular item only.

What does scope to this mean in Visual Studio?

Visual Studio 2012 and later versions provide the "Scope To This" option. Using this option, we can select any project and then only this project will be visible in Solution Explorer. You can select a particular project or a folder from Solution Explorer.

How do I unload a Visual Studio project?

NET Framework and other projects of that style, first unload the project (right-click on the project node in Solution Explorer and select Unload Project). Then, right-click on the project and choose Edit <projectname>. You don't have to use solutions or projects in Visual Studio to edit, build, and debug code.

1 Answers

Click the "Home" icon (third one by default, the one with a house pictogram) in the Solution explorer. This will revert the view to the full solution.

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ThiefMaster Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09
