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Error TF30063: You are not authorized to access ... \DefaultCollection

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How do I fix error tf30063?

You can clear TFS's cache from following location, just change the user name as per your system. Once cache will delete, probably TFS will ask for credential to reconnect. You need to provide valid credentials and TFS will work.

When I came accross this issue none of the provided answers solved this problem or if it did I didn't like recreating the project. The way I ended up solving the issue:

enter image description here

  1. Clicking on the "Connect to Team Projects button" (The plug next to the home button in the Team Explorer tab)
  2. Right click the project you are getting this issue on.
  3. Click Connect.

I guess the "Remember me" cookie timed out but gave me a generic response for trying to push or pull any code.

I solved this issue by using the browser from within Visual Studio, View->Other Windows->Web Browser; Ctrl+Alt+R (or * Ctrl+W, W* in VS versions before VS2010) to navigate to the TFS page and log out of the wrong account and log back in.

For me, the issue was caused by using another live-id to unlock a windows phone for development. Somehow the credentials got cached, it seems.

For me the error came after changing my password for my AD account.

I had to remove the line from credential manager (which contained the previous password.)

Then it worked again.

I have upgraded TFS 2015 to TFS 2017, and then the TF30063 error occured on one of my client machines. None of the solutions here worked...

For me the only solution that worked was running the following command from the Developer Command Prompt:

tf workspaces /collection:https://tfs.xxxxx.com/tfs/DefaultCollection

Of course, you need to adjust the url to the valid one.

Source: https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/setup-admin/tfs/admin/backup/refresh-data-caches