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How do I "test" a sql query that modifies data, i.e. see the output before committing in sql server 2008?

I have used other SQL tools and some allow me to see the output of a threatening query before committing. I like this two step process (so I can double check I'm not doing something bad).

Is there a way in SQL Server 2008 R2 to "execute" a query, see the output for the affected rows, and then choose to accept or throw away the commit?


I also found another question asking the same with a different answer using the OUTPUT clause.

How do I preview a destructive SQL query?

like image 202
psylinse Avatar asked May 12 '11 01:05


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How do I check for update queries in SQL?

$MysqlConnection->query('START TRANSACTION;'); $erg = $MysqlConnection->query('UPDATE MyGuests SET lastname='Doe' WHERE id=2;'); if($erg) $MysqlConnection->query('COMMIT;'); else $MysqlConnection->query('ROLLBACK;');

What view helps to do modification in the query?

To modify your query: To modify your query, you must enter Design view, the view you used when creating it. There are two ways to switch to Design view: On the Home tab of the Ribbon, click the View command. Select Design View from the drop-down menu that appears.

2 Answers

Yes this is possible. You can either use the session option SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS ON or create an explicit transaction as below.


UPDATE YourTable 
SET foo=1
 /*To Review Changes can use OUTPUT clause here...*/
WHERE bar=2

/*... or a SELECT against the table*/
FROM YourTable
WHERE bar=2

-- Execute the COMMIT or ROLLBACK commands when ready

However you should be aware that your open transaction will hold locks until the transaction completes which may block other transactions so this should be used with caution in any multi user environment.

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Martin Smith Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Martin Smith


After viewing the results you can either COMMIT or ROLLBACK the transaction.

USE SELECT @@TRANCOUNT to see the number of open transactions that you have in your current connection.

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garnertb Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09
