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How do I store a Python object in memory for use by different processes?

Here's the situation: I have a massive object that needs to be loaded into memory. So big that if it is loaded in twice it will go beyond the available memory on my machine (and no, I can't upgrade the memory). I also can't divide it up into any smaller pieces. For simplicity's sake, let's just say the object is 600 MB and I only have 1 GB of RAM. I need to use this object from a web app, which is running in multiple processes, and I don't control how they're spawned (a third party load balancer does that), so I can't rely on just creating the object in some master thread/process and then spawning off children. This also eliminates the possibility of using something like POSH because that relies on it's own custom fork call. I also can't use something like a SQLite memory database, mmap or the posix_ipc, sysv_ipc, and shm modules because those act as a file in memory, and this data has to be an object for me to use it. Using one of those I would have to read it as a file and then turn it into an object in each individual process and BAM, segmentation fault from going over the machine's memory limit because I just tried to load in a second copy.

There must be someway to store a Python object in memory (and not as a file/string/serialized/pickled) and have it be accessible from any process. I just don't know what it is. I've looked all over StackOverflow and Google and can't find the answer to this, so I'm hoping somebody can help me out.

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Brendan Avatar asked Dec 12 '11 02:12


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1 Answers


Look for shared memory, or Server process. After re-reading your post Server process sounds closer to what you want.


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Derek Litz Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 05:10

Derek Litz