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How do I select only visible elements using XPath?

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What is text () in XPath?

XPath text() function is a built-in function of the Selenium web driver that locates items based on their text. It aids in the identification of certain text elements as well as the location of those components within a set of text nodes. The elements that need to be found should be in string format.

What is TD and TR in XPath?

The < tr > tag in the table indicates the rows in the table and that tag is used to get information about the number of rows in it. Number of columns of the web table in Selenium are calculated using XPath (//*[@id='customers']/tbody/tr[2]/td).

This should work:

.//button[.='OK' and not(ancestor::div[contains(@style,'display:none')])
and not(ancestor::div[contains(@style,'display: none')])]


The simpler and more efficient expression below:


does not work properly because every button has at least one div that's visible in its ancestors.

Selenium 2 Webdriver gives us the option of the isDisplayed() method which deals with this problem. Nice work by the selenium contributors.

This works for me:
