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GWT vs Dart - what are the main differences? Is Dart a potential replacement of GWT? [closed]




I'm trying to understand which of the two to use, having four main criteria

  • Writer better, maintainable client JavaScript code, with ease of modern IDE (better content assist, better debugging)
  • Cross Browser
  • Less lock-in, can read the code
  • Technology that is more likely to be supported in the future (hardest to tell)

What are the main differences between the two technologies?

Both seem to have similar use cases, and the same potential developer community

Does it look like GWT is going to be eventually replaced by Dart? Any signes suggesting this?

Or am I missing something and they are entirely different concepts?

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Eran Medan Avatar asked Feb 07 '12 04:02

Eran Medan

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Is Dart a superset of JS?

Dart is a typed superset of JavaScript. It is a full scripting language that compiles to plain JavaScript and it is used to build JavaScript applications for both client-side and server-side execution. It has been influenced by C# language, Erlang, JavaScript and Smalltalk.

Is Dart same as Java?

Dart is similar to C# and Java in syntax, so it's quick to learn.

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Dart is AOT (Ahead Of Time) compiled to fast, predictable, native code, which allows almost all of Flutter to be written in Dart. This not only makes Flutter fast, virtually everything (including all the widgets) can be customized.

1 Answers

I think I found it: (should have read Dart's FAQ first, instead of googling "GWT vs Dart")

From: http://www.dartlang.org/support/faq.html#future-for-GWT

Q. What's the future for GWT?

Bruce Johnson posted on the GWT blog (with further comments on Plus): "Dart and GWT both share the goal of enabling structured web programming. In fact, many of the same engineers who brought you GWT are working on Dart. We view Dart as an ambitious evolution of GWT's mission to make web apps better for end users, and we're optimistic about its potential. As Dart evolves and becomes ready for prime time, we anticipate working closely with the GWT developer community to explore Dart."

"Meanwhile, rest assured that GWT will continue to be a productive and reliable way to build the most ambitious web apps—and even games like Angry Birds. Key projects within Google rely on GWT every day, and we plan to continue improving (and open-sourcing) GWT based on their real-world needs."

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Eran Medan Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 17:10

Eran Medan