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How do I return a file-stream from buffer?

I have stored my image, it's size in bytes and its type on a mysql db.

When I fetch it I am getting back a buffer for the image and now Im trying to figure out how to send it back to my client so that it renders the image?

Code inside of my route:

  const img = await db.images.findByPk(parser.setValueAsBIN(p.id));

   const myReadableStreamBuffer = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer({
    frequency: 10, // in milliseconds.
    chunkSize: img.Length, // in bytes.


Whats the next step?

If I would to log myReadableStreamBuffer

I just get:

Readable {   _readableState:    ReadableState {
     objectMode: false,
     highWaterMark: 16384,
     buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 },
     length: 0,
     pipes: null,
     pipesCount: 0,
     flowing: null,
     ended: false,
     endEmitted: false,
     reading: false,
     sync: true,
     needReadable: false,
     emittedReadable: false,
     readableListening: false,
     resumeScheduled: false,
     paused: true,
     emitClose: true,
     autoDestroy: false,
     destroyed: false,
     defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
     awaitDrain: 0,
     readingMore: false,
     decoder: null,
     encoding: null },   readable: true,   domain: null,   _events: [Object: null prototype] {},   _eventsCount: 0,   _maxListeners: undefined,   stopped: false,   stop: [Function],   size: [Function],   maxSize: [Function],   put: [Function],   _read: [Function] }
like image 753
ThunD3eR Avatar asked May 22 '20 01:05


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To create a transform stream, we need to import the Transform class from the Node. js stream module. The transform stream constructor accepts a function containing the data processing/transformation logic: const fs = require("fs"); const { Transform } = require("stream"); const fileStream= fs.

1 Answers

Fastify support stream and buffer too in the reply.send() method.

Here how to manage them:

const fs = require('fs')
const { Readable } = require('stream')
const fastify = require('fastify')({ logger: true })

fastify.get('/', (req, reply) => {
  const buffer = fs.readFileSync('demo.png')
  reply.type('image/png') // if you don't set the content, the image would be downloaded by browser instead of viewed

fastify.get('/stream', (req, reply) => {
  const buffer = fs.readFileSync('demo.png') // sync just for DEMO
  const myStream = new Readable({
    read () {



(I would avoid stream-buffers package since it seems no more maintained - issues unanswered - and the default stream module in node.js has been greatly improved)

like image 102
Manuel Spigolon Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10

Manuel Spigolon