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Keep v-tooltip open when hovering over the tooltip

First, the terms, "link" is the area where the mouse enters. The "tooltip" is the thing that pops up and shows extra information. --- above added 2020-04-29

I'm using Vuetify and trying to keep the v-tooltip open when mouse is hovering over the "tooltip". The content inside the tooltip is going to be rich and don't want that to automatically hide when visitor is looking into it.

  <template v-slot:activator="{ on }">
  <template v-slot:default>
      <v-row dense>
          <v-card-title class="headline">
            rich tooltip

    export default {
  data: () => ({
    show: false,
    hoverTimer: null
  methods: {
    boxStyle: function() {
      return {
        left: "100px",
        top: "100px",
        width: "100px",
        height: "100px",
        position: "absolute"
    mouseover: function() {
      this.show = true;
    mouseleave: function() {
      this.hoverTimer = setTimeout(() => {
        this.show = false;
      }, 3000);

But this doesn't work. The mouseover and mouseleave event handlers on the activator slot (the "link") element does fire, but the event handlers on the default slot (the "tooltip") don't fire.

I think the reason is, because the content inside the "tooltip" is moved to somewhere else under the body tag.

The questions is, how can I keep the "tooltip" open when hovering over it.

I'm moving the mouse like this:

  1. Hover over the link (the tooltip shows up).
  2. Move the mouse out of the link and into the tooltip. (The link and tooltip is a few pixels apart) Now the mouseleave event for the link fires, and I want to add a mouseenter event handler on the tooltip. How do I do that ?

I'm thinking to add an mouseenter event on the tooltip, so that I can clearTimeout(hoverTimer) and keep the tooltip open.

I know there's a similar question from 9 years ago, using jQuery Keep tooltip opened when the mouse is over it , but I don't want to use jQuery if possible. I prefer a Vue way.

Here's a little reproducible example: https://www.codeply.com/p/GuFXqAAU8Y

like image 833
mash Avatar asked Apr 20 '20 20:04


People also ask

What is hover tooltip?

The :hover selector is used to show the tooltip text when the user moves the mouse over the <div> with class="tooltip" .

What is meant by a tooltip how does it show up?

Definition: A tooltip is a brief, informative message that appears when a user interacts with an element in a graphical user interface (GUI). Tooltips are usually initiated in one of two ways: through a mouse-hover gesture or through a keyboard-hover gesture.

3 Answers

Instead of using v-tooltip, I suggest you use v-menu with the open-on-hover props set to true. If you have to nudge whatever you put in the menu, make sure to set an appropriate close-delay value, so the menu doesn't close before the user reaches it.

Example: https://codepen.io/stephane303/pen/WNwdNxY

    <v-menu open-on-hover right offset-x nudge-right="20" close-delay="100">
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Stéphane Gerber Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10

Stéphane Gerber

.v-tooltip__content has pointer-events:none set in vuetify.min.css. If you set it back to auto you allow it to be hovered.

When its hovered, its parent is hovered. And when its parent is hovered, it has a tooltip. So all you need is:

.v-tooltip__content {
  pointer-events: auto;
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tao Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10


I made extended version of VTooltip for this purpose. Just pass interactive prop. See working example here by hovering Governance stepper: https://tzkt.io

 * Extends VTooltip with interactivity
 * @see https://material-ui.com/components/tooltips/#interactive

import { VTooltip } from 'vuetify/lib';

export default {
    extends: VTooltip,
    props: {
        interactive: {
            type: Boolean,
            default: false,
        closeDelay: {
            type: [Number, String],
            default: 50,
    computed: {
        // I'm not 100% sure in this, but it works
        calculatedLeft() {
            const originalValue = VTooltip.options.computed.calculatedLeft.call(this);
            if (!this.interactive) return originalValue;
            const { left, right } = this;
            let value = parseInt(originalValue);
            if (left || right) {
                value += right ? -10 : 10;
            return `${value}px`;
        calculatedTop() {
            const originalValue = VTooltip.options.computed.calculatedTop.call(this);
            if (!this.interactive) return originalValue;
            const { top, bottom } = this;
            let value = parseInt(originalValue);
            if (top || bottom) {
                value += bottom ? -10 : 10;
            return `${value}px`;
        styles() {
            const originalValue = VTooltip.options.computed.styles.call(this);
            if (!this.interactive) return originalValue;
            const {
                top, bottom, left, right,
            } = this;
            let paddingDirection;
            if (bottom) paddingDirection = 'top';
            else if (top) paddingDirection = 'bottom';
            else if (right) paddingDirection = 'left';
            else if (left) paddingDirection = 'right';
            return {
                [`padding-${paddingDirection}`]: `${10}px`,
    methods: {
        onTooltipMouseenter(e) {
            if (this.interactive) {
                this.isActive = true;
            this.$emit('tooltip:mouseenter', e);
        onTooltipMouseleave(e) {
            if (this.interactive) {
            this.$emit('tooltip:mouseleave', e);
        genContent() {
            const content = this.$createElement('div', this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, {
                style: this.contentStyles,
                staticClass: 'v-tooltip__content',
                class: {
                    [this.contentClass]: true,
                    menuable__content__active: this.isActive,
            }), this.getContentSlot());
            return this.$createElement('div', {
                style: this.styles,
                attrs: this.getScopeIdAttrs(),
                class: {
                    'v-tooltip__wrapper': true,
                    'v-tooltip__wrapper--fixed': this.activatorFixed,
                directives: [{
                    name: 'show',
                    value: this.isContentActive,
                on: {
                    mouseenter: this.onTooltipMouseenter,
                    mouseleave: this.onTooltipMouseleave,
                ref: 'content',
            }, [content]);
        genActivatorListeners() {
            const listeners = VTooltip.options.methods.genActivatorListeners.call(this);

            if (this.interactive) {
                if (listeners.mouseenter) {
                    listeners.mouseenter = (e) => {
                        if (!this.isActive) {

            return listeners;


<style lang="scss">
.v-tooltip__wrapper {
    position: absolute;
    &--fixed {
        position: fixed;
    .v-tooltip__content {
        position: static;

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Georgiy Bukharov Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10

Georgiy Bukharov