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How do I remove the first characters of a specific column in a table?

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How do I remove the first character from a column in SQL?

Syntax: SELECT SUBSTRING(column_name,2,length(column_name)) FROM table_name; To delete the first character from the FIRSTNAME column from the geeks for geeks table.

How do I remove a value from a specific column in a table?

Right-click on the table and go to Design. It shows all column of a particular table. Right-click on the left-hand side of a column and you get option Delete Column. Click on it to delete a column.

How do you remove a leading character in SQL?

SQL Server TRIM() Function The TRIM() function removes the space character OR other specified characters from the start or end of a string. By default, the TRIM() function removes leading and trailing spaces from a string.

SELECT RIGHT(MyColumn, LEN(MyColumn) - 4) AS MyTrimmedColumn

Edit: To explain, RIGHT takes 2 arguments - the string (or column) to operate on, and the number of characters to return (starting at the "right" side of the string). LEN returns the length of the column data, and we subtract four so that our RIGHT function leaves the leftmost 4 characters "behind".

Hope this makes sense.

Edit again - I just read Andrew's response, and he may very well have interperpereted correctly, and I might be mistaken. If this is the case (and you want to UPDATE the table rather than just return doctored results), you can do this:

SET MyColumn = RIGHT(MyColumn, LEN(MyColumn) - 4)

He's on the right track, but his solution will keep the 4 characters at the start of the string, rather than discarding said 4 characters.

Stuff(someColumn, 1, 4, '')

This says, starting with the first 1 character position, replace 4 characters with nothing ''

Why use LEN so you have 2 string functions? All you need is character 5 on...

...SUBSTRING (Code1, 5, 8000)...

Try this:

update table YourTable
set YourField = substring(YourField, 5, len(YourField)-3);

Here's a simple mock-up of what you're trying to do :)

code1 varchar(10),
code2 varchar(10)


SET code2 = SUBSTRING(Code1, 5, LEN(CODE1) -4)

So, use the last statement against the field you want to trim :)

The SUBSTRING function trims down Code1, starting at the FIFTH character, and continuing for the length of CODE1 less 4 (the number of characters skipped at the start).