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Detect if value is number in MySQL

People also ask

How do I check if data is number in MySQL?

Syntax to check if the value is an integer. select yourColumnName from yourTableName where yourColumnName REGEXP '^-?[0-9]+$'; The query wherein we have used regular expression. This will output only the integer value.

How do you check if a value is a number in SQL?

The ISNUMERIC() function tests whether an expression is numeric. This function returns 1 if the expression is numeric, otherwise it returns 0.

What does != Mean in MySQL?

not equal to (<>, !=) operator. MySQL Not equal is used to return a set of rows (from a table) after making sure that two expressions placed on either side of the NOT EQUAL TO (<>) operator are not equal. Syntax: <>, !=

You can use Regular Expression too... it would be like:

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE col1 REGEXP '^[0-9]+$';

Reference: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/regexp.html

This should work in most cases.

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE concat('',col1 * 1) = col1

It doesn't work for non-standard numbers like

  • 1e4
  • 1.2e5
  • 123. (trailing decimal)

If your data is 'test', 'test0', 'test1111', '111test', '111'

To select all records where the data is a simple int:

FROM myTable 
WHERE col1 REGEXP '^[0-9]+$';

Result: '111'

(In regex, ^ means begin, and $ means end)

To select all records where an integer or decimal number exists:

FROM myTable 
WHERE col1 REGEXP '^[0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*$'; - for 123.12

Result: '111' (same as last example)

Finally, to select all records where number exists, use this:

FROM myTable 
WHERE col1 REGEXP '[0-9]+';

Result: 'test0' and 'test1111' and '111test' and '111'

WHERE col1 REGEXP '^[+-]?[0-9]*([0-9]\\.|[0-9]|\\.[0-9])[0-9]*(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?$'

Will also match signed decimals (like -1.2, +0.2, 6., 2e9, 1.2e-10).


drop table if exists myTable;
create table myTable (col1 varchar(50));
insert into myTable (col1) 
  values ('00.00'),('+1'),('.123'),('-.23e4'),('12.e-5'),('3.5e+6'),('a'),('e6'),('+e0');

  col1 + 0 as casted,
  col1 REGEXP '^[+-]?[0-9]*([0-9]\\.|[0-9]|\\.[0-9])[0-9]*(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?$' as isNumeric
from myTable;


col1   |  casted | isNumeric
00.00  |       0 |         1
+1     |       1 |         1
.123   |   0.123 |         1
-.23e4 |   -2300 |         1
12.e-5 | 0.00012 |         1
3.5e+6 | 3500000 |         1
a      |       0 |         0
e6     |       0 |         0
+e0    |       0 |         0


Returns numeric rows

I found the solution with following query and works for me:

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE col1 > 0;

This query return rows having only greater than zero number column that col1

Returns non numeric rows

if you want to check column not numeric try this one with the trick (!col1 > 0):

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE !col1 > 0;

This answer is similar to Dmitry, but it will allow for decimals as well as positive and negative numbers.

select * from table where col1 REGEXP '^[[:digit:]]+$'

use a UDF (user defined function).

CREATE FUNCTION isnumber(inputValue VARCHAR(50))
    IF (inputValue REGEXP ('^[0-9]+$'))
      RETURN 1;
      RETURN 0;
    END IF;

Then when you query

select isnumber('383XXXX') 

--returns 0

select isnumber('38333434') 

--returns 1

select isnumber(mycol) mycol1, col2, colx from tablex; -- will return 1s and 0s for column mycol1

--you can enhance the function to take decimals, scientific notation , etc...

The advantage of using a UDF is that you can use it on the left or right side of your "where clause" comparison. this greatly simplifies your SQL before being sent to the database:

 SELECT * from tablex where isnumber(columnX) = isnumber('UnkownUserInput');

hope this helps.