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How do I remove newlines from a String in Dart?



How do I remove the newlines from a string in Dart?

For instance, I want to convert:



"hello world" 
like image 686
Seth Ladd Avatar asked Jun 15 '12 14:06

Seth Ladd

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replaceAll method Null safety Replaces all substrings that match from with replace . Creates a new string in which the non-overlapping substrings matching from (the ones iterated by from. allMatches(thisString) ) are replaced by the literal string replace . Notice that the replace string is not interpreted.

1 Answers

You can use replaceAll(pattern, replacement):

main() {   var multiline = "hello\nworld";   var singleline = multiline.replaceAll("\n", " ");   print(singleline); } 
like image 127
Seth Ladd Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09

Seth Ladd