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How can I rotate a Container widget in 2D around a specified anchor point?




I'd like to perform a very simple 2D rotation of a Container widget (that contains a handful of other widgets.) This widget would be rotated around a single fixed point in the center, with no deformations.

I tried using the transform property with Matrix4.rotationZ, which somewhat works – but the anchor point is in the top-left corner, not in the center. Is there an easy way to specify that anchor point?

Furthermore, is there an easier way to 2D-rotate this widget that doesn't require Matrix4?

desired and actual transformations

var container = new Container (   child: new Stack (     children: [       new Image.asset ( // background photo         "assets/texture.jpg",         fit: ImageFit.cover,       ),       new Center (         child: new Container (           child: new Text (             "Lorem ipsum",             style: new TextStyle(               color: Colors.white,               fontSize: 42.0,               fontWeight: FontWeight.w900             )           ),           decoration: new BoxDecoration (             backgroundColor: Colors.black,           ),           padding: new EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(16.0, 16.0, 16.0, 16.0),           transform: new Matrix4.rotationZ(0.174533), // rotate -10 deg         ),       ),     ],   ),   width: 400.0,   height: 200.0, ); 
like image 297
bkobash Avatar asked Jan 12 '17 00:01


People also ask

How do I rotate an image in canvas flutter?

We thus first move the canvas towards the point you want to pivot around. We then rotate along the the topleft (default for Flutter) which in coordinate space is the pivot you want and then put the canvas back to the desired position, with the rotation applied.

2 Answers

Per Ian's advice, I gave the following a try. It appears to work, at least in my limited testing.

The container is nested within a Transform widget. Using alignment allows one to adjust the transform-origin in relative terms, i.e., in the center, the top left, etc.

var container = new Container (   child: new Stack (     children: [       new Image.asset ( // background photo         "assets/texture.jpg",         fit: ImageFit.cover,       ),       new Center (         child: new Transform (           child: new Container (             child: new Text (               "Lorem ipsum",               style: new TextStyle(                 color: Colors.white,                 fontSize: 42.0,                 fontWeight: FontWeight.w900,               )             ),             decoration: new BoxDecoration (               backgroundColor: Colors.black,             ),             padding: new EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(16.0, 16.0, 16.0, 16.0),                         ),           alignment: FractionalOffset.center, // set transform origin           transform: new Matrix4.rotationZ(0.174533), // rotate -10 deg         ),       ),     ],   ),   width: 400.0,   height: 200.0, ); 
like image 73
bkobash Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 17:10


You can use RotatedBox Widget to rotate any widget:

RotatedBox(     quarterTurns: 3,     child: Container(         color:Colors.red     ), ), 
like image 23
Mandela Haile Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10

Mandela Haile