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How to Show an Local image till the NetworkImage() Loads Up in flutter?

            new CircleAvatar(
                              backgroundColor: Colors.black87,
                              backgroundImage: new NetworkImage(url),
                              radius: 45.0,

I Want to show a local image in CircleAvatar until the NetworkImage fully loads from the internet.

like image 923
Ajay Kumar Avatar asked Oct 08 '17 09:10

Ajay Kumar

2 Answers

You may want to try a FadeInImage wrapped in a ClipOval. FadeInImage provides a placeholder property you can use while the network image is loading.

Note: ClipOval can be expensive if you do it a lot, so use it sparingly.

like image 146
Collin Jackson Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 17:11

Collin Jackson

There is a new official widget for this now!

First, create a folder called assets in the project root directory.

Then, mention the folder in pubspec.yaml file (also found in the project root directory):

  uses-material-design: true
    - assets/

You can put a picture there, for example, put this as ./assets/loading.gif.


(If you changed files in assets folder, hot reload won't work. Make sure you restart the app entirely.)

Now you can refer to the loading file in the code:

  placeholder: 'assets/loading.gif',
  image: 'https://github.com/flutter/website/blob/master/src/_includes/code/layout/lakes/images/lake.jpg?raw=true',

For more details: https://flutter.io/docs/cookbook/images/fading-in-images#from-asset-bundle

like image 42
user1032613 Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 15:11
