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How do I reference a local svg in React?



The following code compiles just fine but the icon doesn't show up:

enter image description here

Icon.jsx component:

import React from 'react';
import { css } from 'emotion';

import ArrowRight from "./arrow-right.svg";

export const iconTypes = {
    arrowRight: 'ARROW_RIGHT',
   // arrowLeft: 'ARROW_LEFT',

const iconSrc = {
    ARROW_RIGHT: ArrowRight,
   // ARROW_LEFT: ArrowLeft,

export default function Icon({ type }) {
    return (
            <img src={iconSrc[type]}/>

In the browser the request looks like this:


Icon.jsx story:

import { action } from "@storybook/addon-actions"; 
import Icon from "../components/Icon/Index"; 
import { iconTypes } from "../components/Icon/Index";

    storiesOf("Icon", module)
        .add("with text", () => (
            <Icon type={iconTypes.arrowRight}>

When I fill the src with a http path (for ex: "https://s.cdpn.io/3/kiwi.svg") it works just fine.

When I open the svg file directly in the browser it also opens fine.

Any help would be appreciated.

like image 950
user3378165 Avatar asked Sep 04 '18 10:09


3 Answers

It is much better to use the svg inline rather than as image. It is also easier to parameterise (e.g. the size):


import React from 'react';

export const iconTypes = {
  arrowRight: 'ARROW_RIGHT',
  arrowLeft: 'ARROW_LEFT',

export default function Icon({ type = iconTypes.arrowRight, size = 512 }) {
  return (
      viewBox='0 0 512 512'>
      {type === iconTypes.arrowRight &&
        <path d='M310.627 438.627l160-160c12.497-12.496 12.497-32.758 0-45.255l-160-160c-12.497-12.496-32.758-12.496-45.255 0s-12.497 32.758 0 45.255l105.373 105.373h-306.745c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32h306.745l-105.373 105.373c-6.248 6.248-9.372 14.438-9.372 22.627s3.124 16.379 9.372 22.627c12.497 12.497 32.758 12.497 45.255 0z' />
      {type === iconTypes.arrowLeft &&
        <path d="..." />

Note: you should leave the viewBox prop hardcoded 512 to make the scale work properly.

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gazdagergo Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 19:10


I think the best way to show default icon in your application is sprite them and use them with their class name. With that, you can cache and have a better performance.

<Icon name="plus" size={10} />

there are many free tools to sprite your image.

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Alireza Yadegari Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 18:10

Alireza Yadegari

Can you use the SVG as a background style on a class and just switch them out depending on what icon you need?

For good performance you can just base64 encode the SVG and paste the contents in a background style in your CSS. http://b64.io/ this is a good site for encoding SVGs


.kiwi {
  background-image: url("...");

Any questions, shout!

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sij_a Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 18:10
