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Display PDF in reactJS




I am following this package https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-pdf

I got the entire raw pdf data from backend so I was trying with code below.

<ReactPDF file={renderPdf}/>

But it displayed "Failed to load PDF file." I don't wish to save any file in local. The best approach is the display the pdf with the raw data provided by backend.

In terminal, it logged the error:

URIError: Failed to decode param '/%PDF-1.4%%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%20ReportLab%20Generated%20PDF%20document%20http://www.reportlab.com1%200%20obj%3C%3C/F1%202%200%20R%20/F2%203%200%20R%20/F3%207%200%20R%3E%3Eendobj2%200%20obj%3C%3C/BaseFont%20/Helvetica%20/Encoding%20/WinAnsiEncoding%20/Name%20/F1%20/Subtype%20/Type1%20/Type%20/Font%3E%3Eendobj3%200%20obj%3C%3C/BaseFont%20/Helvetica-Bold%20/Encoding%20/WinAnsiEncoding%20/Name%20/F2%20/Subtype%20/Type1%20/Type%20/Font%3E%3Eendobj4%200%20obj%3C%3C/BitsPerComponent%208%20/ColorSpace%20/DeviceRGB%20/Filter%20[%20/ASCII85Decode%20/FlateDecode%20]%20/Height%20480%20/Length%2036803%20/SMask%205%200%20R%20%20%20/Subtype%20/Image%20/Type%20/XObject%20/Width%20640%3E%3EstreamGb%22-V'
like image 416
Mervyn Lee Avatar asked Aug 09 '17 16:08

Mervyn Lee

People also ask

How do you display PDFs but prevent them from downloading in React?

To install this module, run yarn add react-pdf . If you use npm, run npm install react-pdf --save . Here's a simple example of react-pdf in action: This renders the PDF cleanly on the page without the browser's default PDF viewer.

2 Answers

If you goal is just to view the pdf in your application, the easiest way is using the object tag in HTML. You don't need to import any libraries and works most of the browsers. But this is lack of customization and styles.

  <object data="http://africau.edu/images/default/sample.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="100%">
      <p>Alternative text - include a link <a href="http://africau.edu/images/default/sample.pdf">to the PDF!</a></p>
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Dhanuka Perera Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10

Dhanuka Perera

it looks like you're passing the PDF data directly to the <ReactPDF> component as the value of the file prop. But according to the docs you need to use an object containing a data property:

    data: renderPdf

it seems you can also set file to an object containing a url property, to let ReactPDF fetch the pdf from your backend by itself, if that's easier:

    url: 'http://www.example.com/sample.pdf'
like image 41
Dan O Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10

Dan O