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How to change name and Icon of Action Column in Material-Table React

I'm using Material Table and I need change the Action column name but this column is automatic generated because I'm using editable function from material table.

      body: {
        editRow: {
          saveTooltip: "Salvar",
          cancelTooltip: "Cancelar",
          deleteText: "Tem certeza que deseja deletar este registro?"
        addTooltip: "Adicionar",
        deleteTooltip: "Deletar",
        editTooltip: "Editar"
      onRowAdd: newData => createInstructor(newData),
      onRowUpdate: async (newData, oldData) =>
        updateInstructor(newData, oldData),
      onRowDelete: oldData => deleteInstructor(oldData)

How can I change these icons and column name ?

like image 914
Daniel Obara Avatar asked Oct 07 '19 19:10

Daniel Obara

People also ask

How do I change the action icon on a material table?

You can change the icon of the action by supplying arbitrary React component as the value for icon prop. So instead of edit or delete , add a component of a desired icon. Something like: import { Edit } from '@material-ui/icons' // ...

How do I add an icon to a material table?

There are two ways to use icons in material-table either import the material icons font via html OR import material icons and use the material-table icons prop.

1 Answers

As you've rightfully assumed, the title of the that column, as well as all the text strings in the material table are customizable via localization property.

    // other props
        pagination: {
            labelDisplayedRows: '{from}-{to} of {count}'
        toolbar: {
            nRowsSelected: '{0} row(s) selected'
        header: {
            actions: 'Actions'
        body: {
            emptyDataSourceMessage: 'No records to display',
            filterRow: {
                filterTooltip: 'Filter'

Notice header.actions item. That's the one for you.

like image 92
jayarjo Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09
