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How do I properly test for a rejected promise using Jest?


import { createUser } from '../services'; ... ...  handleFormSubmit = () => {     this.setState({ loading: true });   createUser()     .then(() => {       this.setState({         loading: false,       });     })     .catch(e => {        this.setState({          error: e,        });     }); }; 


 it('rejects...', () => {     const Container = createUserContainer(CreateUser);     const wrapper = shallow(<Container />);        return wrapper.instance().handleFormSubmit()       .catch(e => {          console.log("State: ", wrapper.state());          expect(e).toEqual('error');       });  }); 


export const createUser = function() {   return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {     reject('error');   }); }; 

The test does force the code to go into the catch in the method. So the state does get set to 'error'.

But in my test, it doesn't do what I expect and wait for the Promise to reject before it tests for the state change. I'm not sure what to try here, should I be using async/await?

So it's the createUser method I want to wait for but I'm not sure my implementation allows for this.

like image 724
coding123 Avatar asked Jun 12 '18 16:06


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1 Answers

You should do something like this:

it('rejects...', () => {   const Container = createUserContainer(CreateUser);   const wrapper = shallow(<Container />);     return expect(wrapper.instance().handleFormSubmit()).rejects.toEqual('error'); }); 

I think it is cleaner this way. You can see this approach in the official docs.

like image 62
Andres Gardiol Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 05:10

Andres Gardiol