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Passing function as a param in react-navigation 5

NOTE: This query is for react-navigation 5.

In react navigation 4 we could pass a function as a param while navigating but in react navigation 5, it throws a warning about serializing params.

Basically, what I am trying to do is, navigate to a child screen from parent screen, get a new value and update the state of the parent screen.

Following is the way I am currently implementing:

Parent Screen

_onSelectCountry = (data) => {     this.setState(data); }; . . .  <TouchableOpacity     style={ styles.countrySelector }     activeOpacity={ 0.7 }     onPress={ () => Navigation.navigate("CountrySelect",         {              onSelect: this._onSelectCountry,              countryCode: this.state.country_code,         })     } > . . . </TouchableOpacity>  

Child Screen

_onPress = (country, country_code, calling_code) => {     const { navigation, route } = this.props;     navigation.goBack();     route.params.onSelect({         country_name: country,         country_code: country_code,         calling_code: calling_code     }); }; 
like image 660
Ayan Avatar asked Feb 07 '20 13:02


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1 Answers

Instead of passing the onSelect function in params, you can use navigate to pass data back to the previous screen:

// `CountrySelect` screen _onPress = (country, country_code, calling_code) => {   const { navigation, route } = this.props;   navigation.navigate('NameOfThePreviousScreen', {     selection: {       country_name: country,       country_code: country_code,       calling_code: calling_code     }   }); }; 

Then, you can handle this in your first screen (in componentDidUpdate or useEffect):

componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {   if (prevProps.route.params?.selection !== this.props.route.params?.selection) {     const result = this.props.route.params?.selection;      this._onSelectCountry(result);   } } 
like image 122
satya164 Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09
