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How do I print entire number in Python from describe() function?




I am doing some statistical work using Python's pandas and I am having the following code to print out the data description (mean, count, median, etc).

data=pandas.read_csv(input_file) print(data.describe()) 

But my data is pretty big (around 4 million rows) and each rows has very small data. So inevitably, the count would be big and the mean would be pretty small and thus Python print it like this.

enter image description here

I just want to print these numbers entirely just for ease of use and understanding, for example it better be 4393476 instead of 4.393476e+06. I have googled it around and the most I can find is Display a float with two decimal places in Python and some other similar posts. But that will only work only if I have the numbers in a variable already. Not in my case though. In my case I haven't got those numbers. The numbers are created by the describe() function, so I don't know what numbers I will get.

Sorry if this seems like a very basic question, I am still new to Python. Any response is appreaciated. Thanks.

like image 591
catris25 Avatar asked Dec 26 '16 08:12


People also ask

What does describe () do in Python?

The describe() method returns description of the data in the DataFrame. If the DataFrame contains numerical data, the description contains these information for each column: count - The number of not-empty values. mean - The average (mean) value.

1 Answers

Suppose you have the following DataFrame:


I checked the docs and you should probably use the pandas.set_option API to do this:

In [13]: df Out[13]:                a             b             c 0  4.405544e+08  1.425305e+08  6.387200e+08 1  8.792502e+08  7.135909e+08  4.652605e+07 2  5.074937e+08  3.008761e+08  1.781351e+08 3  1.188494e+07  7.926714e+08  9.485948e+08 4  6.071372e+08  3.236949e+08  4.464244e+08 5  1.744240e+08  4.062852e+08  4.456160e+08 6  7.622656e+07  9.790510e+08  7.587101e+08 7  8.762620e+08  1.298574e+08  4.487193e+08 8  6.262644e+08  4.648143e+08  5.947500e+08 9  5.951188e+08  9.744804e+08  8.572475e+08  In [14]: pd.set_option('float_format', '{:f}'.format)  In [15]: df Out[15]:                   a                b                c 0 440554429.333866 142530512.999182 638719977.824965 1 879250168.522411 713590875.479215  46526045.819487 2 507493741.709532 300876106.387427 178135140.583541 3  11884941.851962 792671390.499431 948594814.816647 4 607137206.305609 323694879.619369 446424361.522071 5 174424035.448168 406285189.907148 445616045.754137 6  76226556.685384 979050957.963583 758710090.127867 7 876261954.607558 129857447.076183 448719292.453509 8 626264394.999419 464814260.796770 594750038.747595 9 595118819.308896 974480400.272515 857247528.610996  In [16]: df.describe() Out[16]:                       a                b                c count        10.000000        10.000000        10.000000 mean  479461624.877280 522785202.100082 536344333.626082 std   306428177.277935 320806568.078629 284507176.411675 min    11884941.851962 129857447.076183  46526045.819487 25%   240956633.919592 306580799.695412 445818124.696121 50%   551306280.509214 435549725.351959 521734665.600552 75%   621482597.825966 772901261.744377 728712562.052142 max   879250168.522411 979050957.963583 948594814.816647 

End of edit

In [7]: df Out[7]:                a             b             c 0  4.405544e+08  1.425305e+08  6.387200e+08 1  8.792502e+08  7.135909e+08  4.652605e+07 2  5.074937e+08  3.008761e+08  1.781351e+08 3  1.188494e+07  7.926714e+08  9.485948e+08 4  6.071372e+08  3.236949e+08  4.464244e+08 5  1.744240e+08  4.062852e+08  4.456160e+08 6  7.622656e+07  9.790510e+08  7.587101e+08 7  8.762620e+08  1.298574e+08  4.487193e+08 8  6.262644e+08  4.648143e+08  5.947500e+08 9  5.951188e+08  9.744804e+08  8.572475e+08  In [8]: df.describe() Out[8]:                    a             b             c count  1.000000e+01  1.000000e+01  1.000000e+01 mean   4.794616e+08  5.227852e+08  5.363443e+08 std    3.064282e+08  3.208066e+08  2.845072e+08 min    1.188494e+07  1.298574e+08  4.652605e+07 25%    2.409566e+08  3.065808e+08  4.458181e+08 50%    5.513063e+08  4.355497e+08  5.217347e+08 75%    6.214826e+08  7.729013e+08  7.287126e+08 max    8.792502e+08  9.790510e+08  9.485948e+08 

You need to fiddle with the pandas.options.display.float_format attribute. Note, in my code I've used import pandas as pd. A quick fix is something like:

In [29]: pd.options.display.float_format = "{:.2f}".format  In [10]: df Out[10]:               a            b            c 0 440554429.33 142530513.00 638719977.82 1 879250168.52 713590875.48  46526045.82 2 507493741.71 300876106.39 178135140.58 3  11884941.85 792671390.50 948594814.82 4 607137206.31 323694879.62 446424361.52 5 174424035.45 406285189.91 445616045.75 6  76226556.69 979050957.96 758710090.13 7 876261954.61 129857447.08 448719292.45 8 626264395.00 464814260.80 594750038.75 9 595118819.31 974480400.27 857247528.61  In [11]: df.describe() Out[11]:                   a            b            c count        10.00        10.00        10.00 mean  479461624.88 522785202.10 536344333.63 std   306428177.28 320806568.08 284507176.41 min    11884941.85 129857447.08  46526045.82 25%   240956633.92 306580799.70 445818124.70 50%   551306280.51 435549725.35 521734665.60 75%   621482597.83 772901261.74 728712562.05 max   879250168.52 979050957.96 948594814.82 
like image 141
juanpa.arrivillaga Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10
