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How do I pass a Dictionary as a parameter to an ActionResult method from jQuery/Ajax?

I'm using jQuery to make an Ajax call using an Http Post in ASP.NET MVC. I would like to be able to pass a Dictionary of values.

The closest thing I could think of was to pass in a multi-dimensional array of strings, but the result that actually gets passed to the ActionResult method is a single dimensional string array containing a string concatenation of the "key/value" pair.

For instance the first item in the below "values" array contains the below value:


Here's an example of my ActionResult method:

public ActionResult AddItems(string[] values)
    // do something

Here's an example of how I'm calling the method from jQuery:

        values: [
            ["id", "200"],
            ["FirstName", "Chris"],
            ["DynamicItem1", "Some Value"],
            ["DynamicItem2", "Some Other Value"]
    function(data) { },

Does anyone know how to pass a Dictionary object from jQuery to the ActionResult method instead of an Array?

I would really like to define my ActionResult like this:

public ActionResult AddItems(Dictionary<string, object> values)
    // do something

Any suggestions?

UPDATE: I tried passing in a comma within the value and it basically just makes it impossible to actually parse the key/value pair using string parsing.

Pass this:

values: [
    ["id", "200,300"],
    ["FirstName", "Chris"]

results in this:

values[0] = "id,200,300";
values[1] = "FirstName,Chris";
like image 434
Chris Pietschmann Avatar asked Jul 03 '09 01:07

Chris Pietschmann

2 Answers

At last I figured it out!! Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I finally figured out the best solution is to pass JSON via the Http Post and use a custom ModelBinder to convert the JSON to a Dictionary. One thing I did in my solution is created a JsonDictionary object that inherits from Dictionary so that I can attach the custom ModelBinder to the JsonDictionary type, and it wont cause any conflicts in the future if I use Dictionary as a ActionResult parameter later on for a different purpose than JSON.

Here's the final ActionResult method:

public ActionResult AddItems([Bind(Include="values")] JsonDictionary values)
    // do something

And the jQuery "$.post" call:

    values: Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(
                id: 200,
                "name": "Chris"
function(data) { },

Then the JsonDictionaryModelBinder needs to be registered, I added this to the Application_Start method within the Global.asax.cs:

protected void Application_Start()
    ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(JsonDictionary), new JsonDictionaryModelBinder());

And, finally here's the JsonDictionaryModelBinder object and JsonDictionary object I created:

public class JsonDictionary : Dictionary<string, object>
    public JsonDictionary() { }

    public void Add(JsonDictionary jsonDictionary)
        if (jsonDictionary != null)
            foreach (var k in jsonDictionary.Keys)
                this.Add(k, jsonDictionary[k]);

public class JsonDictionaryModelBinder : IModelBinder
    #region IModelBinder Members

    public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
        if (bindingContext.Model == null) { bindingContext.Model = new JsonDictionary(); }
        var model = bindingContext.Model as JsonDictionary;

        if (bindingContext.ModelType == typeof(JsonDictionary))
            // Deserialize each form/querystring item specified in the "includeProperties"
            // parameter that was passed to the "UpdateModel" method call

            // Check/Add Form Collection
                controllerContext, bindingContext);

            // Check/Add QueryString Collection
                controllerContext, bindingContext);

        return model;


    private void addRequestValues(JsonDictionary model, NameValueCollection nameValueCollection, ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
        foreach (string key in nameValueCollection.Keys)
            if (bindingContext.PropertyFilter(key))
                var jsonText = nameValueCollection[key];
                var newModel = deserializeJson(jsonText);
                // Add the new JSON key/value pairs to the Model

    private JsonDictionary deserializeJson(string json)
        // Must Reference "System.Web.Extensions" in order to use the JavaScriptSerializer
        var serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
        return serializer.Deserialize<JsonDictionary>(json);
like image 186
Chris Pietschmann Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10

Chris Pietschmann

This is what I tried. Saves a lot of work. Javascript:

  var dict = {};       
        dict["id"] = "200";
        dict["FirstName"] = "Chris";
        dict["DynamicItem1"] = "Some Value";
        dict["DynamicItem2"] = "Some Other Value";

        var theObject = {};
        theObject.dict = dict;
        $.post(URL, theObject, function (data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
        }, "json");

Action Method:

public ActionResult MethodName(DictionaryModel obj)
       //Action method logic

public class DictionaryModel
    public Dictionary<string, string> dict { get; set; }

like image 4
shwetaOnStack Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 18:10
