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How do I keep functions/variables local to my zshrc?




Any variable that I declare in my zshrc is available in the shell as an environment variable. I don't want this to happen.

I tried putting the variables in a function and setting them as local, but then the function is available outside of the zshrc.

How can I make it so what happens in my zshrc stays in my zshrc?

like image 521
Dean Avatar asked Dec 02 '12 07:12


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1 Answers

If you're using a recent version of zsh you can use an anonymous function:

function () {   local xyz=abc   # whatever } 

The function will be automatically executed and then thrown away, it exists only for scoping purposes.

This works for any sourced file, not only zshrc.

like image 141
qqx Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09
