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How do I invoke a GNU make macro created using define?

Is there any difference in the two ways GREP is invoked in my Makefile? Any reason I should use one or the other? Both seem to produce the same result.

define GREP
$(word 3,$(shell echo "#define  FOO     0xfff00100"))

        @echo $(GREP)
        @echo $(call GREP)
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sigjuice Avatar asked Jul 23 '09 01:07


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8.8 The call Function The call function is unique in that it can be used to create new parameterized functions. You can write a complex expression as the value of a variable, then use call to expand it with different values. The syntax of the call function is: $(call variable , param , param ,…)

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1 Answers

The way you are using it, there is no difference. However, if your GREP macro were a function that took parameters, you would have to use $(call) to pass parameters to it. For example:

define GREP
$(shell grep $1 $2)

FOO:=$(call GREP,abc,words.txt)

This causes $1 to be replaced with "abc", and $2 with "words.txt".

See more in the GNU make manual on user-defined functions here: http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Call-Function

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Eric Melski Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 12:10

Eric Melski