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How do I index documents in SOLR?

Im running Solr 1.4 on Ubuntu 10.04 (installed via apt-get solr-tomcat) and it seems to be working fine. Im having some difficulty finding any coherent info on how to index documents though. Im new to SOLR so bear with me! I have a folder (/mnt/folder) that is a mounted windows share, which contains Word and PDF files that I would like indexed, whats the easiest way to get SOLR to index the entire folder?

The documentation for SOLR is pretty poor, its impossilbe to find any decent tutorials on getting things done with it so any help is greatly appreciated!


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Shane Avatar asked May 10 '10 10:05


1 Answers

Take a look at the Solr wiki, it's a pretty thorough documentation.

In particular see the ExtractingRequestHandler, which allows you to index binary files like Word and PDF documents. Here's an introduction to the topic.

If the wiki isn't enough for you, there's also a great book about Solr.

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Mauricio Scheffer Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 16:10

Mauricio Scheffer