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How do I include a literal double quote in a custom CMake command?

I'm trying to create a custom command that runs with some environment variables, such as LDFLAGS, whose value needs to be quoted if it contains spaces:

LDFLAGS="-Lmydir -Lmyotherdir"

I cannot find a way to include this argument in a CMake custom command, due to CMake's escaping rules. Here's what I've tried so far:

COMMAND LDFLAGS="-Ldir -Ldir2" echo blah VERBATIM)

yields "LDFLAGS=\"-Ldir -Ldir2\"" echo blah

COMMAND LDFLAGS=\"-Ldir -Ldir2\" echo blah VERBATIM)

yields LDFLAGS=\"-Ldir -Ldir2\" echo blah

It seems I either get the whole string quoted, or the escaped quotes don't resolve when used as part of the command.

I would appreciate either a way to include the literal double-quote or as an alternative a better way to set environment variables for a command. Please note that I'm still on CMake 2.8, so I don't have the new "env" command available in 3.2.

Note that this is not a duplicate of When to quote variables? as none of those quoting methods work for this particular case.

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Devin Lane Avatar asked Sep 07 '16 11:09

Devin Lane

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When CMake is first run in an empty build tree, it creates a CMakeCache. txt file and populates it with customizable settings for the project. This option may be used to specify a setting that takes priority over the project's default value. The option may be repeated for as many CACHE entries as desired.

2 Answers

The obvious choice - often recommended when hitting the boundaries of COMMAND especially with older versions of CMake - is to use an external script.

I just wanted to add some simple COMMAND only variations that do work and won't need a shell, but are - I have to admit - still partly platform dependent.

  • One example would be to put only the quoted part into a variable:

    set(vars_as_string "-Ldir -Ldir2")
        COMMAND env LD_FLAGS=${vars_as_string} | grep LD_FLAGS

    Which actually does escape the space and not the quotes.

  • Another example would be to add it with escaped quotes as a "launcher" rule:

        COMMAND env | grep LD_FLAGS

Edit: Added examples for multiple quoted arguments without the need of escaping quotes

  • Another example would be to "hide some of the complexity" in a function and - if you want to add this to all your custom command calls - use the global/directory RULE_LAUNCH_CUSTOM property:

        get_property(_env GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_CUSTOM)
        if (NOT _env)
            set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_CUSTOM "env")
        foreach(_arg IN LISTS ARGN)
            set_property(GLOBAL APPEND_STRING PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_CUSTOM " ${_arg}")
    set_env(LDFLAGS="-Ldir1 -Ldir2" CFLAGS="-Idira -Idirb")
        COMMAND env | grep -E 'LDFLAGS|CFLAGS'

Alternative (for CMake >= 3.0)

  • I think what we actually are looking for here (besides the cmake -E env ...) is named Bracket Argument and does allow any character without the need of adding backslashes:

            RULE_LAUNCH_CUSTOM [=[env LDFLAGS="-Ldir1 -Ldir2" CFLAGS="-Idira -Idirb"]=]
        COMMAND env | grep -E 'LDFLAGS|CFLAGS'


  • 0005145: Set environment variables for ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND/ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET
  • How to modify environment variables passed to custom CMake target?
  • [CMake] How to set environment variable for custom command
  • cmake: when to quote variables?
like image 55
Florian Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 21:10


You need three backslashes. I needed this recently to get a preprocessor define from PkgConfig and apply it to my C++ flags:

pkg_get_variable(SHADERDIR movit shaderdir)
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ulatekh Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 22:10
