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How do I get the MAX row with a GROUP BY in LINQ query?

I am looking for a way in LINQ to match the follow SQL Query.

Select max(uid) as uid, Serial_Number from Table Group BY Serial_Number 

Really looking for some help on this one. The above query gets the max uid of each Serial Number because of the Group By Syntax.

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SpoiledTechie.com Avatar asked Oct 01 '08 14:10


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In SQL, it is very simple to do: SELECT * FROM [dbo]. [tblOrderDeliveryGroup] t1 WHERE [DeliveryGroupId] IN ( SELECT MAX([DeliveryGroupId]) FROM [dbo]. [tblOrderDeliveryGroup] t2 WHERE (t1.

How can we do a GroupBy using LINQ query?

Grouping is a very powerful feature provided by LINQ that transforms a collection in groups where each group has a key associated with it. Note: GroupBy performs a deferred execution which means the query is only executed when the records are processed using a foreach loop.

What does GroupBy return in LINQ?

A LINQ query can end with a GroupBy or Select clause. The result of GroupBy operators is a collection of groups. For example, GroupBy returns IEnumerable<IGrouping<TKey,Student>> from the Student collection: Return type of GroupBy()

On which datasources do LINQ queries work?

In a LINQ query, you are always working with objects. You use the same basic coding patterns to query and transform data in XML documents, SQL databases, ADO.NET Datasets, . NET collections, and any other format for which a LINQ provider is available.

2 Answers

        using (DataContext dc = new DataContext())         {             var q = from t in dc.TableTests                     group t by t.SerialNumber                         into g                         select new                         {                             SerialNumber = g.Key,                             uid = (from t2 in g select t2.uid).Max()                         };         } 
like image 107
tvanfosson Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09


var q = from s in db.Serials         group s by s.Serial_Number into g         select new {Serial_Number = g.Key, MaxUid = g.Max(s => s.uid) } 
like image 29
DamienG Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
